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A Closer Look At The Nutrition Facts

Oyakata Miso Ramen: A Culinary Delight with a Surprising Calorie Count

A Closer Look at the Nutrition Facts

Calories: 93 per 100 ml

Who would have thought that such a delectable bowl of ramen could be relatively low in calories? With only 93 calories per 100 ml, Oyakata Miso Ramen is a guilt-free culinary indulgence that won't break the bank when it comes to calorie counting.

Carbohydrates: 12g per 100 ml

Ramen is often associated with high carbohydrate content, but Oyakata Miso Ramen bucks this trend. Its moderate carbohydrate count of 12g per 100 ml ensures that you can enjoy this dish without derailing your carb intake goals.

Fat: 39g per 100 ml

The fat content of Oyakata Miso Ramen is not insignificant, but it's worth noting that most of this fat comes from healthy sources such as the pork broth and sesame oil. These fats contribute to the rich flavor and satisfying texture of the dish.

Protein: 2g per 100 ml

While not a major source of protein, the 2g of protein per 100 ml of Oyakata Miso Ramen provides a small boost to your daily protein intake. This protein will help keep you feeling full and satisfied after your meal.
